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Cinnamon and Clove Toothpowder

Cinnamon and Clove Toothpowder

Cinnamon and Clove Toothpowder Label

No preservatives needed in this dry toothpowder. YOU add the water! Use toothpowder to clean your mouth and raise your ph so you make your mouth an unhappy place for bacteria. Yeah!

DIRECTIONS TO USING A TOOTHPOWDER: Pour a little on the palm of your hand and use a wet toothbrush to scoop up with your hands.

People have known for centuries that the right natural ingredients can clean and protect your teeth.


Cinnamon and Clove are perhaps the strongest and tastiest antibacterials there are for your mouth.

When gum health is important, cinnamon and clove are your best bet.

Use toothpowder to clean your mouth and raise your ph so you make your mouth an unhappy place for bacteria. Yeah!

This listing is for our Cinnamon and Clove version (pictured on the right) is flavored with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. It is particularly good for stimulating gum health. It is slightly effervescent.

Simply wet toothbrush and sprinkle some on or, for more, pour a bit in the palm of your hand and scoop the toothpowder up with wet toothbrush.

Ingredients include Baking Soda, Cream of Tartar, Diatamaceous Earth Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium, and ground herbs.


My Red Toothpowder contains Red Clay from Morocco which I purchase from Mountain Rose Herbs.  They write that their clay “is quarry mined and sun dried from naturally occurring lake-side deposits and is untreated.”

Mined deep beneath the Atlas Mountains in Eastern Morocco it must be extracted under extremely special conditions.
Through meticulous selection, and extensive contact with the raw material we are proud to offer this rich Rhassoul that is truly unique in quality and purity.
Mountain Rose Herbs

Animals seek out clay to eat.

A paper written in the Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials cites the possibility of clays

may serve an antibacterial function.

Excellent adsorbent

Many toothpastes add calcium and other minerals to stregnthen teeth. Clay is naturally rich in trace minerals.

Independently verified
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