I have witnessed how black lives are undervalued in our society to the point where a black person is more likely to die earlier than I am.
I believe:
- North America owes a debt to the ancestors of the Africans kidnapped and enslaved.
- That Black Americans and Canadians are treated differently and that black people in North America exist in a stressful, racist culture at every level.
- That even though I have suffered as a woman, I have never suffered because of the color of my skin.
- That people of color are far more likely to die or be imprisoned ONLY because of their color
- That when slavery was abolished, America began imprisoning black men in order to profit off of their work and the culture of that continues.
- That my white heritage has given me privileges that are based on the luck of my ancestry.
- That my white privilege can be connected to the enslavement and suffering of others. .