Ziryab’s only uses organic sustainable palm oil and palm kernel oil. I believe in supporting the existing sustainable and organic palm industry. Switching to another tropical vegetable oil can simply move the problem to another area of the world. At this time, no North American oil can compete for quality, application or low environmental impact. And environmentalists have so well brought focus to the palm oil industry that the organic and sustainable certification has become well supervised. This is making the industry more environmentally competitive and trustworthy.
Palm Oil is found in soap so often because it makes a wonderful soap. It balances all the qualities most people want in a soap without crazy high prices. In my soap, it provides a level of hardness and bubbles that is hard to beat. But cost isn’t the reason I choose to use sustainable and organic palm oils. No matter the price, it would be very tough to find a better oil for soap.
Organic and Sustainable Palm Oil is one of the better environmental friendly oils.
In fact, it is difficult to find an oil that has less impact on the ecosystem then palm oil. That isn’t to say the Palm Oil Industry doesn’t need improvement, it does. However, I believe it is on the path to improvement. That’s why I choose to pay more money to support organic palm growers who are members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Choosing an inferior oil could potentially shift the problem to an industry that has less oversight then Palm Oil.
I purchase my Palm products from this a company who is a listed member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) (https://www.rspo.org/members/2312/CFC-Inc-dba-Columbus-Vegetable-Oils) and a certified supplier of organic oils (https://www.usda.gov/topics/organic).
WWF Supports Sustainable Palm Oil
The World Wildlife Fund supports the use of sustainable palm and asks us to support Palm Oil certified by the RSPO. They do not believe that substituting Organic and Sustainable Palm with other oils is good solution as Palm supplies more oil on less land while producing more benefit for the environment than other oils.