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Customer Tells me About How She Adjusted to baking Soda Deodorant

Becky wrote to me and said:

I absolutely LOVE your deodorant! It took me a while to get used to it (I had a pretty bad reaction to it at first). But, it’s the only deodorant that has EVER worked!!

I was interested how she continued to use it, even though she had a bad reaction to it.   I wrote:

I’m curious, do you have any insights into what you did to get used to it? People write and ask me what they should do when they rash, saying they love my deodorant but are getting rashes. I try to help but wish i had more insight into whether the rashes will continue or whether it is possible that they will go away?

Becky kindly wrote back and said:

I just kept using it. After a couple of weeks, my rash diminished. I also stopped scrubbing so hard when I shower. I used to scrub hard because I used nasty store-bought deodorant (like Secret) and I always felt like it needed a lot of scrubbing to come off. I don’t worry about that with your product.

I do mean that it is amazing. I’ve been testing a bunch of products and yours is the ONLY one that actually works…and smells nice too!

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